Going to Work

May 30, 2006 at 6:25 am (Personal)

I’m not going to say I feel great this morning, but I don’t feel anything like I did last night. The sinus pressure had gone way down, and the cough is a lot better. I’m stull a little stuffed up, but I don’t think it’s anything a little DayQuil won’t take care of. I woke up before the alarm, and with energy, so I must not be doing too poorly.

I’m off to go do some crocery shopping before work. I have to get lunches and stuff for work and a couple of things for around the house.

EDIT: Well that didn’t last long. By the time I got to work it got a lot worse. I came back home. I may go out and get some laundry done and do a change of address at the bank, but other than that, I’m done for the day. This thing, whatever it is, is kicking my butt.


  1. Rogue said,

    It took me all weekend to get over it. It started on Friday. I feel better this morning.

    I am praying for you.

  2. Viper said,

    Thanks, I appreciat that.

    We’ll see how it goes, but I’m purposfully not doing much and drinking a lot of water. I may miss the Podcast tonight. I don’t want to, but I would sound like crap if I came.

  3. Mom said,

    Sorry you don’t feel good but it should get better. *pat pat* *really big HUG*

  4. Viper said,

    Thanks Mom. šŸ™‚

  5. megan said,

    have you tryed a really good decongestive. that mucinex is really good… get the stuff for sinus pressure not chest congestion. drink lots of water.. and try laying down instead of sitting at the computer all day. šŸ™‚

  6. megan said,

    by the way dayquil is not the best thing for pressure… more for flu-like symptoms: cough, running nose, fever, sore throat… not really pressure.. so if thats what you have then like i said try the mucinex…. good stuff

  7. megan said,

    Sorry i keep bothering you but i just thought of another really good idea…. i can’t remeber the name i think they are like those vix vapor thing that you put in a hot shower and they evaporate and clear the sinuses.. those are good too… okay i swear i’m done now.

  8. Viper said,

    Thanks Megan. I’ll try the Mucinex stuff.

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