Happy Feet Movie Review

November 22, 2006 at 11:11 pm (Random Thoughts)

I don’t normally do this kind of thing, but I feel compelled to write a review on a movie I went to see tonight. Here are my thoughts on the subject.

Personally I thought the idea of animating penguins for a feature length film was a little risky. It turns out they did an amazing job with the animation. The sky, clouds, and particle effects were nothing short of fantastic. The facial features of the penguins and their body language was expertly done. On a whole the technical aspects of the film blew me away. Several times during the movie I commented on how amazing the picture quality was. It was nothing short of the best animation I’ve ever seen in a film. I am impressed with the quality.

The story starts by illustrating just how hard it is to be a penguin. They live in one of the most harsh environments on the planet. You watch as the little eggs are hatched. All the little penguins are playing about. You learn as you watch that all penguins are supposed to have their heart song. They find their heart song and sing it to find a mate. The hero has problems finding his heart song because he can’t sing, but his feet are a bit restless so he dances. Throughout the film they make good use of music. I liked how the music was woven into the culture of the penguins. The first half of the movie has some good humor, and a neat little story going for it. If I were to judge this movie only by the first half, I would say it is a good movie.

Now for the bad news. They couldn’t leave it alone. The second half of the movie is just a load of propaganda from the left wing pinko communist tree hugging loons. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. It was all about how all the penguins were starving because all the aliens were stealing their fish. Everything was fine until the aliens came in and threw it all off balance. If the stupid aliens would stop stealing the fish everything would be alright.

The aliens were of course people with fishing boats. They were pulling all the fish out of the water and not leaving enough for the penguins. The penguin leaders felt that the Gods were punishing them for not living right, and our hero was the problem with his strange dancing ways. Our hero said they just didn’t know that there were bigger forces they didn’t understand, these aliens were the problem. He had to go make them stop taking all the fish.
My advise is to skip this movie altogether. It is not worth the trouble. If you insist on seeing it, at least stop it when he jumps in the water to swim after the ships. Just hit stop and imagine that he goes and chases them for a bit, the local climate warms, and the fish just return by magic. Everyone lives happy and free and he dances for joy.

The End

Conclusion: For the love of all that is holy do not watch this movie. I hope I was not unclear.

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Gigantic Rims

November 12, 2006 at 8:13 pm (Random Thoughts)

The rims on this Hummer have to be the biggest rims I have ever seen on any car. I would guess they are around 28 inches.

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November 11, 2006 at 11:24 pm (Random Thoughts)

Megan and I watched a movie tonight. It is based on the Stephen King book titled “Desperation“. Funny thing is, they called the movie, “Desperation“. It’s interesting how it worked out that way.

I have to say the book is amazing. I’ve read it several times and I really enjoy the story. The characters are believable, the plot is good, and it’s easy to follow what’s going on. The movie could not be farther from the book. It was cheesy and just plain bad. I want to warn everyone to stay away from that movie. Save yourself the one hundred and thirty one minutes. I will never get that two hours and eleven minutes back.

There are only two redeeming factors for the movie. The first one is near the end. I would say it ends better than the claymation spider at the end of “It“. They had a guy shove a shotgun shell up the butthole of the world. Then he shot the shotgun shell with a pistol and blew up the butthole of the world. The second redeeming factor for the movie is that it ended . . . finally!!!

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Amazing Kids

August 27, 2006 at 9:43 pm (Random Thoughts)

I saw a link to this on a forum and went to check it out. These kids are amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it. I think they are brother and sister.

Vova & Olga performing their club passing act

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Terrorists on Airplanes

August 10, 2006 at 8:18 pm (Random Thoughts)

I’ve been listening to the news today about the latest terrorist plot. They want to try to blow up several airplanes as they fly from Europe to the U.S. It’s amazing how the airline industry as well as the U.S. government is going to huge lengths to try to foil their plot. They are not allowing anyone to carry any liquids onboard at all. I find it very amusing.

I’m still of the mindset that we are approaching the airport security thing all backwards. Why do we spend so much time making sure no one can carry any weapons or anything that could be a makeshift weapon onto the plane? Personally I think we should arm all of the passengers. Just ask everyone as they get on the plane if they have a firearm. If they don’t have one of their own, provide one for them if they want one. I can just imagine the scene as a would be terrorist stands up to hijack the plane and quickly turns into Swiss cheese.

Now I realize this would not help with the threat of a bomb on the plane, but no terrorist would be able to take a plane and fly it into a tall building. They would be hard pressed to hijack a flight and keep control of it. This would also make airport security a lot easier to deal with.

I’ve seen reports of systems that can detect the slightest amounts of different explosive compounds. If we were to screen all the baggage and passengers through a system that could detect microscopic amounts of every known explosive compound on the planet, we could catch any bomb they try to bring onboard.

So let me theorize further. If we can screen all of the baggage and passengers with this system, we would no longer have to worry about explosives getting on an airplane. All that leaves is the potential for a group of terrorists taking over the plane by force. With my previous idea these terrorist would face a plane full of angry passengers with weapons of their own. The small group of terrorists would be shortly overpowered, killed, or otherwise neutralized.

Their only option now would be to buy out every seat on the plane so there are no other passengers to contend with. Of course we all know that wouldn’t be suspicious at all.

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